Unlock New Career Opportunities in Australia with IECSEP – Apply Now!

Examine the A-UKFTA’s Innovation and Early Careers Skills Exchange Pilot (IECSEP). Possibilities for early career and innovative visa holders from the UK to work in Australia. Apply right away!

The Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UKFTA) has a new program called the Innovation and Early Careers Skills Exchange Pilot (IECSEP). With the help of this initiative, skilled professionals and innovators from Australia and the UK will be able to travel more easily, strengthening bilateral relations and promoting professional growth in both nations.

Program Objectives


  1. Strengthen Connections: strengthen the already-existing business ties between the UK and Australia.
  2. Streamlined Mobility: Give professionals from the UK a well-organized way to obtain work experience in Australia.
  3. Boost Innovation: Encourage the sharing of cutting-edge concepts and procedures throughout industries.
  • Streams of the IECSEP

    1. Early Careers Skills StreamDuration:  For a maximum of 12 months.
    Purpose: Permits early-career professionals to work in Australia on short-term contracts, as secondments, or as internal transfers between companies

    Eligibility Criteria- Age: Candidates must be between the ages of 21 and 45 when they submit their applications.

    Qualifications: Need to possess postsecondary credentials.

    Work Experience: A minimum of three months of experience in their present position.

    Prospective Employment: Work in Australia must be in an occupation that is described by ANZSCO Skill Levels 1, 2, or 3 and pertinent to the applicant’s present field of work.

  • 2. Innovation StreamDuration: For a maximum of three years
    Offers highly qualified and seasoned innovators the chance to work in Australia with an emphasis on long-term innovative contributions.
  • Eligibility Criteria:– Innovation Contribution:Must have a track record of creating or introducing new or enhanced organizational techniques, procedures, or products.Skill Level: Work in Australia requires ANZSCO Skill Level 1 occupations.
    Experience: Substantial knowledge and proficiency in their area.


    Innovation Definition:  Innovation in this context refers to the creation or application of novel or enhanced techniques, goods, or procedures that boost output and efficiency in a range of industries.

    Application Process

    Application Forms:

  • Early Careers Stream Application Form
  • Innovation Stream Application Form Deadlines: Both streams are open for applications until 31 December 2024, 11:59 pm GMT. Note that application rounds may close earlier than the advertised deadlines, with a 7-day notice period provided by DFAT if changes occur.Required Documents:


  • Employment Confirmation:  Applicants must submit documentation, such as an employment contract or a letter of job offer, attesting to their confirmed employment in Australia. The IECSEP Guidebook’s specific requirements must be met by this paper.
  • Financial Proof: Show that they have the resources necessary to sustain themselves while in Australia ($5,000 + the cost of their next trip).Visa Application:Those who are selected for the Government Agreement stream must apply for a Temporary Work (International Relations) subclass 403 visa. A Letter of Support from DFAT is required to be submitted to the Department of Home Affairs in order to apply for a visa.

    Benefits for Employers and Businesses

    Australian Employers:

  • Access to Talent: Interact with creative, young professionals in the UK
  • Development Opportunities: Make the most of both short- and long-term placements to expand your skill set and introduce new ideas.
  • Sector-Wide Innovation: Benefit from innovative practices and expertise across various industries.UK Employers: 
  • Staff Development: Encourage important employees to pursue careers abroad.
  • Upskilling: Provide staff with global experience that can enhance their professional capabilities and contributions to their home organization.

    How to Get Involved

    For Australian Organizations:

  • Collaborate with UK Partners: Investigate staffing opportunities with UK firms or prospective applicants through the IECSEP.
  • Reach Out: Talk to experienced individuals in the UK about how they can support the objectives of your company.
    For UK Organizations:
    Explore Opportunities: Find Australian partners and talk about possible IECSEP personnel postings or development initiatives.

    Support Staff Development:

    Utilize the program to offer valuable international experience to employees.

    Additional Resources

    IECSEP Guidebook:  Gives thorough details on the program, such as the requirements for applying and the evaluation standards.
    Template Letter of Employment Offer: Employers in Australia can use this tool to verify job offers to candidates.

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