News – How to Successfully Sponsor Your Partner for Canadian Permanent Residency

Encourage your partner or spouse to immigrate to Canada via an inland or outland pathway. Find more about qualifications, prerequisites, and processing durations.

Coming in second only to economic immigration, family reunion is one of the main routes for newcomers to enter Canada. Through family sponsorship programs, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) hopes to admit 114,000 new permanent residents by the year 2024. Spousal sponsorship, along with sponsorship for kids, dependents, parents, and grandparents, are all included in these programs.

Through spousal sponsorship, foreign nationals can live in Canada with their husband, common-law partner, or conjugal partner who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, with the ultimate goal of becoming permanent citizens themselves.

Spousal sponsorship can be obtained through two main channels: inland sponsorship (available to applicants from within Canada) and outland sponsorship (available to applicants from outside Canada).

Sponsorship Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to serve as a sponsor, a person must:

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Own a Canadian passport or be a permanent resident of Canada;
  • Not face significant charges, be placed under a deportation order, be bankrupt, or be imprisoned;
  • Not received sponsorship as a spouse to enter Canada in the previous five years.

In addition, sponsors have to agree to a financial commitment that binds them to provide for their partner’s or spouse’s need for up to three years, even in the event of a breakup.

IRCC defines basic needs as:

  • Food, attire, and housing;
  • Eye treatment, dental care, and other medical need not met by public health programs.

Relationship Eligibility

Eligibility for sponsorship is also determined by the kind of relationship:

1. Spouse: Legally married.
2. Common-law Partner: Partners have shared a home in a manner akin to marriage for a minimum of 12 months.
3. Conjugal Partner: A committed partnership that has lasted longer than a year but hasn’t been able to cohabitate due to issues (such as immigration restrictions, cultural or religious convictions, etc.).


Inland Sponsorship

For couples who are already living together in Canada, inland sponsorship is applicable. When applying for permanent residency, the foreign national must have valid temporary resident status (as a worker, visitor, or student). They may also be qualified to apply for a Spousal Open Work Permit (SOWP).

Spouses and common-law partners must live together for inland applications. This pathway isn’t open to conjugal spouses. While the application process is ongoing, the IRCC cautions against leaving Canada since it could be difficult to re-enter without a valid visa.

Outland Sponsorship

In Canada, outland sponsorship is appropriate for single couples. If they fulfil all sponsorship requirements, spouses, common-law partners, and conjugal partners may apply through this channel.

The foreign person may travel to and from Canada while their application is being processed, even though the sponsor typically resides there. For partners who think they may need to leave Canada while the application is being processed, outland sponsorship is also a great option.

With its effective spousal sponsorship schemes, Canada is still dedicated to reuniting families. The usual processing time for both inland and outland applications is 12 months.

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