Latest Invitation Round Update Canberra Matrix Australia

Discover the most recent Canberra Matrix invitation cycle, the variables influencing the cut-off scores, the crucial industries, and the number of ACT visa nomination slots still available for 2024–2025.

The most recent Canberra Matrix invitation round, which took place on September 19, 2024, demonstrated how very competitive the ACT’s immigration program is. This batch of invitations for skilled visas keeps hammering home how crucial rankings, demand for specific jobs, and priority industries are. The following invitation round is anticipated to take place before November 8, 2024.

Overview of the Canberra Matrix System

The Canberra Matrix is a points-based system that ranks applicants for ACT nomination under the Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) and Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa categories. Applicants are scored based on various factors, including their occupation, work experience, English proficiency, and connection to Canberra. The ACT government uses this system to nominate the highest-ranked applicants each month.

Each invitation round offers a limited number of nomination places, allocated monthly from an annual quota. Due to the fixed number of places and the high demand, only the top-ranked applicants in specific occupations are invited to apply for ACT nomination.

Factors Influencing the Invitation Cut-Off

The selection cut-off is influenced by:

Priority Sectors: Sectors deemed critical by the ACT government receive priority. Occupations in these sectors have a higher likelihood of receiving an invitation.

Date and Time of Matrix Submission: Earlier submissions tend to be more competitive, especially in high-demand occupations.

Occupation Cap: Certain occupations have a capped number of places, meaning only a limited number of invitations can be issued in these areas.

Level of Demand: The greater the demand for an occupation, the higher the Matrix score required to receive an invitation.

Monthly Allocation: Invitations are limited to the number of places available for that month, in line with the overall annual allocation.

Invitation Results for 19 September 2024

The breakdown of invitations for the 19 September 2024 round is as follows:

190 Visa Nominations:

Critical Skill Occupations: 43 invitations
457 / 482 Visa Holders: 12 invitations
Overseas Applicants (Critical Skill Occupations): 13 invitations

491 Visa Nominations:

Critical Skill Occupations: 29 invitations
457 / 482 Visa Holders: 1 invitation
Overseas Applicants (Critical Skill Occupations): 32 invitations

Matrix Nominations: Small Business Owners & Visa Holders

Applications from people identifying as small company owners were not considered for this round. In addition, only a small number of invites were extended to holders of 457 and 482 visas—12 for subclass 190 and just one for subclass 491.

Invitation Outcomes and Application Approvals

As of 19 September 2024, the ACT government has approved a total of 185 applications:

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) Visa Approvals: 115
Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) Visa Approvals: 70

There were also 13 refusals:

190 Nominations: 7 refusals (6% refusal rate)
491 Nominations: 6 refusals (8% refusal rate)

Residency-Based Approvals

The way that approvals are distributed based on residency status indicates that ACT residents make up a sizable portion of the successful applicants:

– ACT Residents: 155 approvals (84%)
– Overseas Residents: 29 approvals (16%)

Remaining Allocation for 2024-2025

For the 2024–2025 migration program year, a restricted number of nomination spots have been allotted to the ACT. As of September 19, 2024, the remaining allocation is:

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) Visa: 885 places remaining
Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) Visa: 730 places remaining
Total Remaining Allocation: 1,615 nomination places

Insights for Future Applicants

There are still tight criteria governing the Canberra Matrix system, which determines who gets invited based on a number of characteristics. To increase their chances of success, applicants in high-demand jobs or vital industries should give priority to submitting their applications as soon as feasible. However, an invitation is never guaranteed, as the cut-off scores can alter dependent on monthly allocations and other considerations.

The ACT government has made it clear that:

– Invitations will not be issued if applicants have an active application in the system or if they have previously received ACT nomination.

– Matrix submissions for certain groups (like small business owners in this round) may not always be considered.

– Requests for information on ranking or likelihood of receiving an invitation will not be entertained.

Priority for Critical Sectors

The ACT gives priority to Matrix entries in important sectors in keeping with its aim to help these industries. Depending on the demands in the area, these sectors frequently include jobs in the health, engineering, education, and technology sectors, among others.

Understanding the Invitation Process

It is important for applicants to understand that the minimal ranking score that is disclosed is merely an indicator and does not ensure an invitation. The actual score needed to be invited may differ based on the number of spots that are open, the demand for particular jobs, and the level of competition in the candidate pool as a whole.

Next Steps for Applicants

– Overseas Applicants: To improve your chances of success, if you are applying from abroad, be sure to submit your Matrix as soon as possible and concentrate on fields with strong demand.

– Canberra Residents: In general, residents of the ACT are more likely to be invited, especially those in important professions. It’s critical to keep a careful eye on the invitation rounds and make sure all application materials are current.

The next invitation round will be held before 8 November 2024.

2023-2024 Allocation of ACT Nomination Places:

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa: 1,000 places
Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa: 800 places


The way the ACT government is handling nomination slots under the Canberra Matrix system highlights how competitive Australia’s skilled migration scheme is. If they want to be successful, applicants should concentrate on raising their ranking scores by focusing on important industries, submitting early, and making sure they fulfil all eligibility requirements.

To navigate the path towards permanent residency, ambitious skilled migrants must stay up to date on Matrix invitation cycles and comprehend the selection procedure.

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